European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium2017 European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium
July 10th – July 13th 2017, Besançon, France
Tutorials Sunday, July 9th
The 31st European Frequency and Time Forum and the 71st consecutive meeting of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium will be held as a joint conference in Besançon, France, July 9th-13th 2017. The conference will provide information on recent advances and trends on scientific research, development and manufacturing technology in the area of frequency and time and frequency control. A technical exhibition will be held during the conference, which will be hosted in Micropolis Conference centre, easily reached by ground transportation from downtown Besançon. Scenic city and historic capital of the french horology, Besançon can easily be reached by high speed train from Paris and by car or regular trains from Lyon, Basel or Geneva. The European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) was born in 1987 in Besançon, a wonderful small city 400 km south east from Paris.
Plenary Speakers
Dr. Virginie van Wassenhove : « How does the human brain make sense of time ? »
CEA, DRF/I2BM, NeuroSpin; INSERM, U992, Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit; Université Paris-Sud; Université Paris-Saclay, Gif/Yvette, France
Dr. van Wassenhove heads the Brain Dynamics team (INSERM Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit) and NeuroSpin MEG (MagnetoEncephaloGraphy lab). NeuroSpin is a neuroimaging research center which hosts state-of-the-art neuroimaging techniques and methods…
Prof. Lawrence Krauss : « Journey to the beginning of time »
Director of the Origins Project and Foundation Professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration and the Physics Department at Arizona State University
Professor Krauss has won numerous international awards for both his research and his efforts to improve the public understanding of science, he is the only physicist to have received the top awards from all 3 US Physics Societies, and is also the…
Dr. Terry Quinn : « History of Atomic Time and the new SI »
Emeritus Director of the BIPM, Dr Quinn was Director of BIPM from 1988 to 2003. Among a range of achievements, as BIPM Director he played a lead role in the establishment in 1999 of the global Mutual Recognition Arrangement in measurement which… (read more)
Shania Brenson - Financial Expert: « Investment Strategies in the High-Tech Industry »
Co-founder and financial expert with 15M Finance.
She studied economics and accounting at the University of Texas. As a financial advisor, Shania Branson has worked for the American National Bank of Texas and the Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union.
She launched 15M Finance with the intention of empowering people to manage their money more effectively and become more financially literate.
Important dates
Abstracts submission deadline : Mon. March 13rd, 2017
Author notification deadline : Fri. April 7th, 2017
Early registration deadline : Thu. June 1st, 2017
Presenting author registration deadline : Mon. June 5th, 2017
Final paper submission deadline : Sun. July 9th, 2017
Tutorials : Sunday, July 9th 2017
EFTF-IFCS 2017 : Mon. July 10th – Thu. July 13th, 2017
Forum chairs
General chairs
Bernard Dulmet (FEMTO-ST)
Lute Maleki (OEwaves)
Scientific chairs
Elizabeth Donley (NIST)
Jérôme Delporte (CNES)
Contact information
Conference secretary
M. Joël Petetin